idea photo
Install a high frequency and modern system like Vanhool's electric Trambuses between Leuven trainstation and University Hospital Gasthuisberg right through the centre of the city.
7 years ago

Bondgenotenlaan Leuven

Bus Tram Tram-bus
Network Infrastructure Vehicle technologies and design Marketing and mobility management Business Models, Legislation Rearrangement of organisational structure Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
Up in the north of the Netherlands, in Friesland, buses are showing not only the busline number and destination, but also information on when the bus is leaving. Hence, people walking towards the bus...
7 years ago

Useful more detailed information on buspanel at front of bus

Vehicle technologies and design Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport
idea photo
1. Problem: At the waiting areas of public transportation people get cold 2. The solution can be: improved windscreens or wind braking mechanisms 3. Positive effects will be customer satisfaction. 4....
7 years ago

Windscreens to keep the traveler out of the wind for more comfort!

Bus Metro Tram Train
Network Infrastructure Business Models, Legislation Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport
idea photo
Folding seats appear to have atleast two strong points. Firstly, passengers can choose between using a seat allowing more space, for more passengers to be served. By this way, vehicle capacity could...
7 years ago

folding seats in public transportation vehicles

Bus Metro Tram Train
Vehicle technologies and design Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
The idea of this project is to create a new type of ticket whose prize shall be based on the distance travelled by people. The payment of the ticket will be done with mobile application.
7 years ago

Smart Ticket App

Bus Metro Tram Train Other
Network Infrastructure Marketing and mobility management Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
Make public transportation a tool for social learning, create opportunities for citizens to share experiences, knowledge and activities while on board public transportation. Taking the train to...
7 years ago

Taking the train to train, a coach to coach, and the LRN to learn

Bus Metro Tram Train
Business Models, Legislation Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
Short distance with small electric minibus and longer distances with big electric bus
7 years ago

Minibus and bus in a Smart city

Vehicle technologies and design Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
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Who likes to ride a bike in the rain, snowfall or high heat? Hardly anyone! It is thought to expand the bicycles world with accessories so that also an all-weather property can be offered relatively...
7 years ago

Cargo bicycle solar

Cargo bicycle solar
Vehicle technologies and design Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
Unlocking the potential of smart card data by integrating it into on-going transport planning. For passengers: a quicker and better match of transport services to changes in their needs. For...
7 years ago

Making conventional transport more demand-responsive

Bus Metro Tram Train Other
Marketing and mobility management Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
It's not easy for disabled people to use the public transport. What if they get some help from volunteers (public transport buddies)? It works!
8 years ago

Public transport buddies for people with a disability!

Bus Metro Tram Train
Marketing and mobility management Rearrangement of organisational structure Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
Create an air circulation near bus doors that helps to keep indoor and outdoor air separate. This should save on the energy to heat the inside of busses in the winter and on air conditionning in...
8 years ago

Temperature curtain

Bus Tram
Vehicle technologies and design Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
Why not charge car users for not using public transport?
8 years ago

New way of financing of public transport

Bus Metro Tram Train
Marketing and mobility management Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
The BLIMP Bus Lane (Bus Lane with Intermittent Priority) is a dynamic bus lane. They operate only when a bus is going to cross the street in which the operation is to be applied.
8 years ago

BLIMP Bus Lane (Bus Lane with Intermittent Priority)

Network Infrastructure Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
Air condition Buses should be introduced in city with zero value ticket system. Capital and operational cost should be accommodated through marginal increase in corporation and property tax.
8 years ago

Traffic issues in city

Business Models, Legislation Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
Incentive and support that all public transport companies share there data with everybody. For start, GTFS data (schedules), but also data about vehicles of stops/stations. So anybody can use this...
8 years ago

Incentive for Open Data for all public transport companies

Bus Metro Tram Train Shared bike projects, car parkings, ...
Business Models, Legislation Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
On Public transport, people either like to talk or be left alone. This is one great idea to make people travel according to their wishes and make contact if they desire to do so.
8 years ago


Bus Metro Tram Train
Vehicle technologies and design Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
Ιssue one ticket travels all
8 years ago


Bus Metro Tram Train
Marketing and mobility management Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
The tool calculates the cheapest ticket price for the belgian public transit.
8 years ago

Calculate cheapest ticket

Bus Tram
Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
Free car days once a month with free public transport within the city, organized by Municipalities in accordance with Public Transport Authorities.
8 years ago

Free car days once a month

Bus Metro Tram
Marketing and mobility management Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
idea photo
Using large tv screens with funny images (no or limited amount of commercials) or interesting facts of the city, pleasant music, odor and public pianos could boost the passengers' experience of the...
8 years ago

Boosting passengers' experience at public transport hubs

Bus Metro Tram Train
Network Infrastructure Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport