Bondgenotenlaan Leuven

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Thematic category of idea: Network Infrastructure Vehicle technologies and design Marketing and mobility management Business Models, Legislation Rearrangement of organisational structure
Transport System: Bus Tram Tram-bus
What is the aim of the idea?: Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
Created: 7 years ago
Created by: christiaen

Short Description of the idea (max 50 words)

Install a high frequency and modern system like Vanhool's electric Trambuses between Leuven trainstation and University Hospital Gasthuisberg right through the centre of the city.

Full Description of the idea

Install a high frequency and modern system like eg. Vanhool's electric Trambuses between Leuven trainstation and University Hospital Gasthuisberg right through the centre of the city. So all feeding bus routes can end at either the eastern situated grand trainstation or at the western situated UZ Gasthuisberg, two main hubs nowadays already for mass transport. Through the centre of the city you will have one line, highly performantly and with modern trambuses instead of todays feeding routes, (dozens of) mainly diesel powered buses which cross the centre with a lot of pollution.

Bondgenotenlaan, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

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