Thematic category of idea:
Marketing and mobility management
Transport System:
What is the aim of the idea?:
Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport
Lowers the cost of public transport
8 years ago
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Ιssue one ticket travels all
Belgium, Luxemburg, ... are small countries. Instead of having to purchase tickets separately for buses, trams, metro and trains, why not introduce a global ticket on an annual basis. e.g. €900 will give you unlimited access to trains, buses, trams, metro all over Belgium for one year. Alternatively issue one pass, for trains, trams, buses and metro, whereby each time you have to devaluate the pass according to a. the trip (one trip by tram = approx 4 kms) b. the number of kms travelled (one journey antwerp to brussels is 40 kms) I have seen this type of train ticket, called kilometer-ticket, in Italy for use on trains. You purchase e.g. 500 kms and with each journey, a certain number of kms is deducted until you come to zero. Then you have to buy another kilometer-ticket.