29 ideas submitted so far!

  • Have you ever thought that the invention of the disposable razors has totally changed the way of shaving?
  • Did you know that a proper organisation and management of bus public transport can achieve a level of service comparable to the Metro (subway)?
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  • Think of innovative solutions to improve public transport in your city and share your idea on the Crowdsourcing platform! If your idea is the best, then you will win a trip to remember and also a surprise – gift!
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  • We had wheels for ages, we had suitcases for ages. But it took a while into the 20th century to put them together! Have you ever thought that these wheels on suitcases were an innovation once?
  • Did you know that the low-cost airlines were a new business model once?
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Top Rated Ideas

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The BLIMP Bus Lane (Bus Lane with Intermittent Priority) is a dynamic bus lane. They operate only when a bus is going to cross the street in which the operation is to be applied.
8 years ago

BLIMP Bus Lane (Bus Lane with Intermittent Priority)

Network Infrastructure Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
The idea of this project is to create a new type of ticket whose prize shall be based on the distance travelled by people. The payment of the ticket will be done with mobile application.
7 years ago

Smart Ticket App

Bus Metro Tram Train Other
Network Infrastructure Marketing and mobility management Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
idea photo
Incentive and support that all public transport companies share there data with everybody. For start, GTFS data (schedules), but also data about vehicles of stops/stations. So anybody can use this...
8 years ago

Incentive for Open Data for all public transport companies

Bus Metro Tram Train Shared bike projects, car parkings, ...
Business Models, Legislation Digital services supporting Public Transport Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport Lowers the cost of public transport

Most Recent Ideas

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Install a high frequency and modern system like Vanhool's electric Trambuses between Leuven trainstation and University Hospital Gasthuisberg right through the centre of the city.
7 years ago

Bondgenotenlaan Leuven

Bus Tram Tram-bus
Network Infrastructure Vehicle technologies and design Marketing and mobility management Business Models, Legislation Rearrangement of organisational structure Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Lowers the cost of public transport
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Up in the north of the Netherlands, in Friesland, buses are showing not only the busline number and destination, but also information on when the bus is leaving. Hence, people walking towards the bus...
7 years ago

Useful more detailed information on buspanel at front of bus

Vehicle technologies and design Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport Increases satisfaction of the employers of public transport
idea photo
Folding seats appear to have atleast two strong points. Firstly, passengers can choose between using a seat allowing more space, for more passengers to be served. By this way, vehicle capacity could...
7 years ago

folding seats in public transportation vehicles

Bus Metro Tram Train
Vehicle technologies and design Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport

Campaign information

  • What is the aim of the campaign? +

    The aim of the campaign is to gather innovative ideas in public transport. The objective is to bring new thinking and innovative solutions (service concepts and business models) for public transport in order to create a favourable environment for public transport growth.
  • Who can share an idea? +

    Any registered user can participate in the crowdsourcing initiative. In order to share your idea, or rate / comment on existing ideas you need to Register. Registration takes less than a minute! If you are already registered you can Login here.

    Share your idea for public transport in one single step. It's easy!
  • Until when can you share your idea? +

    The campaign will run until the 30th of April. The sooner you share your idea the more comments and ratings you will receive from users, public transport and innovation experts.
  • How are the ideas being evaluated? +

    Every registered user can rate an idea by giving 1 to 5 stars. Ideas with the highest average rating score will be evaluated by the experts’ committee assigned by the CIPTEC project Consortium (e.g. representatives of the CIPTEC partners and the CIPTEC Experts Advisory Board) towards three (equally weighted) main criteria: innovativeness, feasibility and utility.
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Framework of the campaign

  • Public transport
  • Innovation
  • Public Transport & Innovation
  • Sponsors
  • Supporters

Public Transport (PT) (or alternatively ‘mass transit modes’) is usually defined as passengers’ transport systems and services, which are under the control of public or private providers. These are operating with vehicles, - typically with a high capacity (large number of seats) - which are shared by passengers.

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The Oslo Manual for measuring innovation defines innovation as ‘the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations’ and identifies four types of innovation: product innovation, process innovation, marketing innovation and organisational innovation.

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Beyond definitions, to make it easier to understand the concept of innovation, it could be considered as such, every idea that comes from other fields, and it is currently not applied in public transport or even any idea that, while it has been conceived and may already been implemented in some areas of the world, it has not been so far spread or adopted in a reference local or national context (think for example yours) due to several reasons.
Therefore, in a bit more extensive framework, in the current crowdsourcing initiative, it could be defined as innovation a new, original, alternative or modified existing idea, method, product, service, technology developed (or being developed) consciously using the latest knowledge. The main aim of the above mentioned will be the improvement of the current situation and their application in the Public Transport sector towards attracting more customers-passengers (preferably at the lowest possible cost).

CIPTEC Experts Advisory Board

  • Leif Andersson

    Leif Andersson

    Leif has a background as technician, project manager, IT-manager, operations manager and service desk manager. Leif has worked as a manager and leader in IT organisation for over 10 years. Leif has for the last 12 years worked with management consulting, leadership coaching and training. Management consulting has included process and service development, organizational changes and individual coaching and mentoring of managers. Leif is also a trainer in the ITIL framework, Lean IT, DevOps and has worked with business simulations for almost 10 years now. (Apollo 13, The Phoenix Project) Leif is also a guest lecturer at Borås university.
  • Hannes Göbel

    Hannes Göbel

    Mr. Göbel, Sweden, is an experienced IT-consultant focusing on digitalization, service innovation and IT management often within the field of transport and logistics. For example Hannes has designed digital transport platforms for IKEA, DB Schenker and the Swedish postal service. Furthermore, Mr Göbel has participated in the design of different Innovation Labs in Sweden and he has supported the creation of several others in Central Asia. Mr. Göbel has also worked as an Innovation Lab manager. Mr. Göbel holds a Licentiate Degree in Information Systems and BsC in Economics and is in parallel with his work at Gobel Consulting working on a PhD within the field of service innovation.
  • Mark van Hagen

    Mark van Hagen

    Dr. MARK VAN HAGEN (1961, Master in Economic Geography) has been heavily involved in public transport for almost 30 years. Mark started his career at Schiphol Airport Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since 1997, Mark has worked for NS (the principal passenger railway operator in the Netherlands) as a principal consultant for customer experience. He is responsible for studies on customer demands, chain management and station development. Analysing customer data and advising the top management of NS is also his responsibility. He received a distinction from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, for his dissertation, “Waiting Experiences at Train Stations”, completed in April 2011.
  • Jens Holgersson

    Jens Holgersson

    Jens has 10-15 years of advanced system development, lecturer Computer Science and IS research. His main research interests are about empirical insights and design challenges in attempts to tie together people, technologies and processes into integrated IT-solutions. How and why vertical standards emerge, diffuse and helps adopting firms and organizations to achieve their objectives with environmental sustainable and effective transports.
  • Peter Manfredsson

    Peter Manfredsson

    Peter Manfredsson is today Supply Chain Manager at Svensson, a Swedish textile company. He holds an MSc in Logistics and Transportation Management from Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) and a Licentiate degree in Textile management from University of Borås (Sweden). Prior of his current position he worked 15 years at Ericsson with operational development, supply chain development and as a manager for logistics and operational efficiency departments. He has a Six Sigma Black Belt degree and has been working within Ericsson with business improvements, Six Sigma, lean production and improvement projects for several years. Peter has as a researcher and practitioner several scientific publications with the field of Lean production, Logistics and Six Sigma.
  • Stefania Paladini

    Dr. Stefania Paladini is a Reader in Economics & Global Security at Birmingham City University. Before joining academia in 2008, she has worked for the Italian central government for fifteen years, seven of which spent in East Asia as a trade commissioner. She obtained her PhD in International Relations and Security Studies from City University of Hong Kong. Among her recent activities, the EU-F7 IRSES - Chinese FDI in the EU "CHEUFDI" (2013-2016), a joint project in agent-based modelling for environmental security and innovation, and an ongoing research on the EU space industry. Latest book: S. Paladini (2016) Asian Worlds in Latin America, London:Routledge.
  • Miquel Angel Piera

    Miquel Angel Piera

    Miquel Angel Piera is full time professor in the System Engineering Department at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Miquel graduated with excellence from UAB in Computer Engineering (1988), MSc from University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology in Control Engineering (1991), and PhD from UAB in 1993. Dr Piera is UAB delegate for Technical Innovation Cluster, former deputy director of the UAB Engineering School and director of LogiSim (research group on Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems). He is member of the Editorial Board of 3 international journals, former Editor in Chief of IJBRM and coordinator of the Spanish CEA-IFAC research team on Modelling and Simulation. Dr. Piera has received several awards and recognitions, among which it is mentioned the “Outstanding Professional Contribution Award “ from the international Society for Computer Simulation (SCS) in USA in 2013 and the “William Sweet Smith Prize” from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 2015. He has coordinated as Scientific Coordinator more than 10 Spanish research projects and more than 20 Industrial funded projects, he has also participated in a number of EC funded research and academic projects. Currently he is coordinator of AGENT and PARTAKE projects, under H2020 SESAR programme. He is author of more than 100 scientific papers and 9 scientific books.
  • Stavros Sindakis

    Stavros Sindakis

    Dr. Stavros Sindakis is an educator, advisor, mentor and innovator in the fields of business innovation, management, entrepreneurship, and service design and development. With both a Ph.D. and MBA in Strategy, Enterprise & Innovation, he has made significant contributions to these fields through his research and publications on entrepreneurship and business innovation including his books “Entrepreneurial Rise in Southeast Asia”, and “Analytics, Innovation and Excellence-Driven Enterprise Sustainability”, with his third in progress. As an educator, he has taught in several different countries at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and held a variety of advisory and mentoring positions for students and faculty at numerous schools including the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs and Laureate Online Education. Dr. Stavros Sindakis is currently an Assistant Professor of Management in the American University in Dubai, U.A.E.
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