Thematic category of idea:
Digital services supporting Public Transport
Transport System:
What is the aim of the idea?:
Increases satisfaction of the users of the public transport
Lowers the cost of public transport
8 years ago
Created by:
Saverio Gini
Service oriented approach requires the availability of a certified database feed by data collected during the service operation and tools to extract knowledge from these data in order to improve the service at planning and operational level
The Public Transport is evolving towards a “service oriented approach” which is required to provide the service in accordance with cost effectiveness and high quality standard. Data mining tools and related analysis techniques are not largely adopted in public transport and their potentials often unexpressed. Applications of these tools/procedures can be various: cross-relation of data coming from different ITS (fleet monitoring, passengers counting, e-ticketing) to improve the service planning compared to the real needs, monitoring of bus performances (engine, oil temperature, brake, etc.) in order to promptly plan a maintenance action avoiding failure during the service, optimization of on-board control activity against payment evasion concentring it on the lines/bus stops where the difference between the number of passengers and the number of the validations are higher